This year’s Africa Day on 25 May commemorated the 57th anniversary of 32 leaders’ establishment of the Organisation of African Unity, today the African Union.

In marking the holiday, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa described Africa’s COVID-19 response as “evidence of a continent determined to leverage its strengths and capabilities to resolve its own challenges.”

What measures to combat the pandemic have been taken by Zambia and its neighbours’ public and private sectors, and how informed are you about them? Take this multiple-choice quiz and find out.

1. How many African countries had closed their borders by early May?

Correct! Wrong!

2. Which mining company built an isolation facility for the community around its mine, equipped with an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), as part of a $400,000 contribution towards combatting COVID-19?

Read ‘Miners become Medics’ to find the answer.
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Correct! Wrong!

3. How much longer did South Africa’s strict lockdown measures continue than originally planned?

Correct! Wrong!

4. How many countries across the continent have made wearing face masks in public compulsory?

Correct! Wrong!

5. Which countries have expedited payments of all outstanding VAT refund claims in order to address businesses’ widespread cash flow challenges?

Read ‘How are Zambia’s neighbours responding to COVID-19’s economic impact?’ to learn more about the economic measures that countries are taking in line with OECD and African Tax Administration Forum guidance.
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Correct! Wrong!

6. Which country has reportedly reached an advanced stage of developing a low-cost COVID-19 testing kit?

Correct! Wrong!

7. Which of these economic measures was suggested by the African Tax Administrative Forum?

Correct! Wrong!

8. Which country banned the sale of alcohol and cigarettes for the duration of its nationwide lockdown?

Correct! Wrong!

9. How many cases of COVID-19 had Uganda reported when it instituted a nationwide lockdown on 30 March?

Correct! Wrong!

10. Which country announced the reopening of restaurants and schools as part of the easing of a lockdown, but promptly reversed the decision?

Correct! Wrong!

11. Which country in Africa has conducted the most COVID-19 tests to date?

Correct! Wrong!

12. Why have countries like Zambia, South Africa and Uganda temporarily removed penalties for non-compliance with tax deadlines?

Read ‘Four things that countries in Africa are doing to support their economies’ to find the answer.
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Correct! Wrong!

13. Which country secured $50 million in immediate funding from the World Bank Group on 2 April to support its response to the pandemic?

Correct! Wrong!

14. Which country shut down the vast majority of its mining industry for five weeks, before permitting mines to operate at 50% for four weeks thereafter?

Correct! Wrong!

15. How much was pledged in financial support to Zambia’s fight against COVID-19 by the UK, US and multilateral organisations on 29 April?

Read ‘The cheque’s in the post!’ to find out the amount pledged, and how experts believe it should be spent.
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Correct! Wrong!

16. On what condition can Zambian companies now put employees on forced leave, provided that the Basic Pay portion of their salaries is paid?

Read ‘Striking a balance’ to find out exactly when forced leave is permissible, according to Zambia’s Employment Code Act.
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Correct! Wrong!

17. Which mining company is funding the provision of medical equipment at the national level to the value of $340,000?

Correct! Wrong!

Africa’s COVID-19 game-plan
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See also: Four things that countries in Africa are doing to support their economies




