Matthew Banda didn’t exactly choose a career in mining. You could say, perhaps, that it chose him. His serendipitous entrance into the industry began with a roommate whose textbooks on mining engineering intrigued the young University of Zambia student,...
The most impressive sight when visiting KCM’s Konkola Deep copper mine on the Copperbelt isn’t the sophisticated equipment and machinery, but the vast quantities of water gushing out from underground.
About 450 million litres of water are pumped to the surface...
After seven years of lying dormant under care and maintenance, Mabiza Resources and its London-based investor, Consolidated Nickel Mines (CNM), re-launched Munali Nickel Mine’s operations on 16 April 2019, following a $50 million refurbishment of the asset.
Mining for Zambia...
There has been vigorous debate about Zambia’s proposed migration from the Value Added Tax (VAT) system to a Sales Tax since it was first announced in September 2018. The private sector has since voiced many serious concerns about the...
Since minerals exploration and development company KoBold Metals announced it was investing $150 million in developing a copper deposit in Zambia’s Copperbelt Province, the media has been abuzz about the role that “artificial intelligence” and “machine learning” played in...
Zambia is one of the ten least attractive jurisdictions in the world for mining investment, according to the Annual Survey of Mining Companies, released this week by the Fraser Institute, an independent think-tank, and the global benchmark for investors’...
The CEO of Glencore’s Mopani copper mine in Kitwe, Johan Jansen, uses football to explain where the company is in the worldwide league of costs.
"Like a sports team, Mopani is near the bottom of the league, and needs to improve...
Chris Vermuelen is a mining veteran of the old school: an amiable, straight-talking leader with more than 30 years of global experience and a fondness for checked short-sleeved shirts. His big thing is relationships – get people to understand...
See, in this video, how women are occupying increasingly important positions in Zambia’s mines, doing work that would have appeared unthinkable 20 years ago.
Watch the video below.
In August 2015 when First Quantum Minerals’ Sentinel mine came online, it represented the single-largest upfront infrastructure investment in Zambia since the Kariba Dam. It took a sum of US$2.1 billion to get the mine to the point of...